The shape of the terrain on which the real battles
were fought played an important and in occasions decisive effect on
the final results of the event. Therefore, the replication of the
more prominent terrain features of a given battlefield becomes
mandatory. That representation can be made in very different ways,
from$ simple chalk marks on a nude table to fully sculpted terrain.
I use a 2 x 1.6 square meters permanent wargames table covered with 5
x 4 = 20 terrain modules (40 x 40 cm). The modules are made from EPS
and some have hills sculpted on and have become in many occasions
the central feature of the battlefield. However, I have found more
operative the use of flat (green or brown sprinkled) modules on
which the terrain features: hills, rivers, roads, fields and
buildings can be conveniently placed. and fixed semi-permanently.
Both options are actually used in my battles.
In this section the ways to make terrain features are described. In
general, 'bricolage' ('do-it-yourself') materials have been used and
the techniques are a mix of internet-found tricks with (some)
techniques developed by myself.
Use the techniques at your will and remember: beautifully painted
and based figures do not see well on a nude wargaming table!
The watermill |